Wednesday 5 November 2014

UK Memebox Lover's Swaps & Sales

Ok so today's post is focusing on a group I have created on Facebook. It's a young group with under 200 member's, but we are getting there.
As you may know, I am in love with Memebox. And there are plenty of Memebox groups on Facebook. 
However, a lot of them are international, which is a great thing don't get me wrong. I enjoy talking to Memebox lover's of all different walks of life.
But, I felt it was time us UK girls had a group of our own. A sanctuary if you will.
Somewhere we can swap/sell unwated Memebox items with ease. 
Obviously, because we are all from the UK we can give each other advice on Memebox postal/service related problems.

At the moment I have 2 friend's as fellow admin's and was thinking of adding a few more just for the hell of it. We ensure all swaps and sales are done justly, so no member is taken advantage of.
I have also created a list of trusted swappers/sellers to help newbies feel a little bit safer.
On top of that, my lovely fellow admin Tara has written up a very informative file of Memebox F.A.Q's.
 So, if you're in the UK and are a Memebox addict like ourselves. I highly recommend heading over to the page and to join in on all the fun conversations.
Thing's can get weird...but weird is fun!

I have taken part in many swaps and sales within the group and thought I'd share with you my loot for today. These are purchases/swaps from my lovely horse Kitty Chinchilla our in house nutter. You can go watch her face here...

And Veri Tazy, you can check her blog out here...

Now for the loot...

These goodies are from Kitty, a very generous package if I may say so myself.
I highly recommend checking out her youtube. She's not your average girly girl. She is down to earth and hilarious. I somewhat see her as a life mentor lol 
Don't let that get to your head Kitty!

This lovely loot of masks and such is from Veri. I cannot wait to try that Apple one, as I love all thing's apple! Thanks Veri!

So if there are item's you would love to get your hands on from previous Memeboxe's but didn't get the opportunity. Chances are, someone in the group may have it for grabs...more than likely from Lorna J queen of Memebox.
You can always rely on Lorna for anything Memebox related...a Memebox veteran at over 200 boxes by now. She's your go to if you can't find the answers you are looking for in the F.A.Q file.

Don't be scared, we don't bite...for the most part.
Hope to see your lovely faces join the group and I shall see you there ^.^

Head over to this's a young business ran by the lovely Bae Se from my home country of the Philippines. She does Korean hauls and is almost a young competitive to Memebox. If there is a specific Korean product you are searching for but are having a hard time in doing so. You can ask Bae and she'll see what she can do for you. Plus she has a friend here in the UK...Clarisse...whom she will send the hauls to, to then send them out to us UK girlies.

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